Volume 4, Summer 2004

A New Space For Boody Fine Arts
Main office of Boody Fine Arts has moved.

New Company
Steven Boody's new company, Public Art & Practice, meets community needs.

Council Bluffs
PAP's first project: Public Arts Master Plan for the City of Council Bluffs, IA.

Enterprise Bank Revisited
More artwork purchased.

Ruben Benefits, Inc.
New client.

Speaking Engagements
Commissioning process explained.

Future Newsletters
Mailing list status.

A New Space for Boody Fine Arts

We have moved to a new location! Boody Fine Arts is now located at 10706 Trenton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63132, just one building east of where we have been for the previous eight years. This facility, with over 4000 square feet and an 18-foot ceiling, provides the dramatic backdrop needed for our large-scale paintings and sculptures. Please feel free to call us at (314) 423-2255 or send an email to bfa@boodyfinearts.com to request a private tour of our new gallery.

Boody Fine Arts Gallery
Boody Fine Arts Gallery

Public Art & Practice Meets Community Needs

Steven Boody, owner and President of Boody Fine Arts (BFA), has recently created a new business, Public Art & Practice L.L.C. (PAP). Recognizing the needs of BFA's expanding community-based clientele, PAP was created to assist communities with creating and transforming their Vision Statements, Goals, and Objectives into a Public Art Master Plan.

The complex process of assembling a task force, focus groups, and a selection committee is strategically managed by PAP, following a personalized plan of action. In addition, a comprehensive inventory of existing works of art is created, noting possible locations for new pieces, along with a determination of appropriate scale and subject matter for each site. The selection of artists, along with the preparation of necessary contracts, is just a small part of what PAP does to ensure the successful completion of a community's Public Art Master Plan.

Public Arts Master Plan for the City of Council Bluffs, IA

PAP's first Public Arts Master Plan is being developed for the city of Council Bluffs, Iowa. The Denver office of Edaw, Inc., was retained by PAP to integrate a complex set of tasks for the city. A photographic inventory of existing works of art was created along with the preparation of base maps. Crucial to the Council Bluffs Master Plan was the development of a comprehensive strategy for future works of art. Potential locations were assessed for new pieces with a critical eye to the appropriateness of scale.

Public Art & Practice would like to serve you. We have the experience and resources necessary to handle your complex art management needs. The ability to augment a community's capabilities or create from concept a detailed Art Master Plan, regardless of the size of the city. In addition to addressing the major issues, we pay attention to the little items, like insurance to protect the investments of our clients, structural certificates to insure safety, the ability to move a piece of art in the future, and the ownership of copyrights, which are but a few of the task involved in the planning process.

Enterprise Bank Revisited

Featured in our August 2003 newsletter, Enterprise Bank is a showcase for many pieces of fine art. The Headquarters for Enterprise Bank, located in Clayton, Missouri, retained the services of BFA to coordinate the placement of additional artwork in their main lobby and throughout one of their corporate office floors. This past spring, BFA was invited to complete the final phase of the project, placing pieces of the collection throughout their corporate offices.

Prominently displayed as the focal point in the Enterprise Bank lobby are pieces created by James Byrd, a featured artist in our March 2004 newsletter. Jim's brightly colored broad-stroked landscapes are both gestural and abstract. The paintings are ideal for this space. Bold and inviting, Jim's work produces an immediate impact, even from a great distance.

Enterprise Bank
Enterprise Bank

Ruben Benefits, Inc.

Boody Fine Arts has recently placed artwork in the offices of the insurance firm Ruben Benefits, Inc., also located in downtown Clayton, Missouri. Their suite features acrylic paintings on paper by Diane Cone Boody, and an acrylic wall sculpture by George Snyder. Complementing this collection is James Byrd's unique glass on steel creation as well as his gauche on paper pieces.

A primary function of BFA, one that cannot be overstated, is not to simply build a collection of fine art, but create an atmosphere. Within Ruben Benefits, Inc., the framework for this atmosphere already existed in a set of light rose-colored conference chairs. Around this existing framework, the new pieces were deftly added, resulting in a bold art collection designed to create a dynamic atmosphere.

Ruben Benefits, Inc.
Ruben Benefits, Inc.

Speaking Engagements

We are available for presentations to professional groups, corporate clientele, and federal, state, or local groups concerning the process of selecting and/or commissioning public works of art or assembling an art collection. Our PowerPoint presentation and lecture addresses the time requirements, selection process, correct scale or size, and the budget necessary to complete your project.

Future Newsletters

Feel free to forward this letter to other members of your firm, associates, or clients. We publish our newsletter two to three times a year; often enough to keep you informed of our developments but, certainly, it is not meant to be an imposition. Please notify us if you wish to be removed from our list and we will do so immediately. Likewise, please keep us informed of any changes of addresses for your business or provide us with addresses of other individuals who would like to receive our newsletter. Click here to unsubscribe to this newsletter.

10706 Trenton Avenue   St. Louis, Missouri 63132   314.423.2255   Fax 314.423.9977   PAP@PublicArtAndPractice.com   www.PublicArtAndPractice.com http://www.boodyfinearts.com mailto:bfa@boodyfinearts.com